5 Tips to Kick Anxiety To Keeping Up With Your 2023 Goals

We all have goals we are resolved to achieve in the year ahead, but how many of us are actually successful in reaching them? Even when you do, it's not uncommon for us to feel overwhelmed with our day-to-day lives. Here are five simple ways you can kick anxiety to the curb, and follow-through on your New Year's resolutions.

  1. Don't try too much at once! If you suddenly cut out all junk food from your diet and start running five miles a day, chances are good that something is going to give out. Consider reaching at least 50% consistency success with one goal before implementing the next goal. 

  2. Maintain realistic goals - By now some of us are thinking “Are We There Yet?” If you want to make sure that you reach your goals this year, schedule some time to review your goals at the end of the month to make sure they remain realistic and achievable for where you are RIGHT NOW! Stay present!

  3. Track Your Progress - When anxiety comes to interrupt it can influence us to believe that we are not making progress on our goals. Beat anxiety to the punch by having concrete evidence that you have been progressing forward. Write it down somewhere central so you will always have access to it. Prove anxiety wrong! 

  4. Don't compare yourself! It's easy to compare yourself with other people who seem like they have their lives together. If you find yourself comparing and losing confidence in your goals— consider staying in your lane and focusing on your vision! Revisit your “why” for your goal to remind yourself of its value in your life for 2023.

  5. Accountability Check In Meetings! If you have not already, get one to two people who can be effective and reliable accountability partners. I challenge you to set weekly or bi-weekly 15-minute check-ins that you use to update each other on goal progress and what you plan to do to keep progressing.

If you continue to have a hard time or find it hard to implement these tips, let’s chat and discuss how to get you moving successfully!


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